

This website was created for you to find out more about the resources available globally to connect with Prem Rawat’s message, videos, events and initiatives.


Prem Rawat’s website includes articles, impact and a way to message him directly.


A website and subscription-based app that gives access to hundreds of long and short videos of Prem Rawat’s message, along with livestreams and replays, including free and paid content.


The Prem Rawat Foundation is a charity that addresses the fundamental needs of food, water and peace by providing initiatives such as the Food for People project and the Peace Education Programme.

Prem Rawat Official

Prem Rawat’s YouTube channel contains a wealth of free video content.

Hear Yourself

Prem Rawat’s new book, Hear Yourself, is an International and New York Times best-seller. You can find more information at this link.

Breath: Wake Up to Life

Prem Rawat’s new book, Breath: Wake Up to Life, invites readers to connect with the often overlooked power within our breath, serving as a profound reminder of our shared humanity.

Grow with Knowledge

For those who have received the techniques of selfKnowledge and want to find out more.

TPRF YouTube

The Prem Rawat Foundation produces a variety of videos and impact stories showcasing initiatives such as the Peace Education Programme and the Food for People programmes.

Intelligent Existence

Trainings, courses and livestreams to develop a better understanding of oneself.

Words of Peace

Words of Peace Global is a charity that aims to share information on, and financially support events with Prem Rawat.


PEAK is an educational programme to help you explore your own potential, to discover the self. and feel the peace that lies in your heart. In order to watch PEAK, you need to download TimelessToday’s free app.

RVK YouTube

Raj Vidya Kender’s YouTube channel contains a wealth of Hindi-language content from Prem Rawat’s Indian events and interviews.

Raj Vidya Kender

Raj Vidya Kender organises Prem Rawat’s events in India as well as undertaking humanitarian initiatives and running the Peace Education Programme in facilities across India.

Life’s Essentials Podcast

Prem Rawat’s podcasts bring you a weekly audio message aimed at providing education and entertainment about the path to personal peace and knowing yourself.

Global Map

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